When we steam distill cannabis flowers we get the essence of the plant, known as terpenes. More than 20,000 terpenes appear throughout nature, in every plant, every flower, and even some insects. About 200 – are found in cannabis. But these days, cannabis terpenes are huge in the medical community. Once thought responsible only for the aroma & taste of plants (as an evolutionary defense mechanism against predators), terpenes are now known to possess serious medicinal value. In cannabis, terpenes work in synergy with each other and cannabinoids like THC and CBD to enhance or buffer the plant’s medicinal strength. That’s what the term entourage effect means. Each terpene also has its own unique powers which we will present in upcoming posts about each terpene of the cannabis plant.
Cannabis essential oil is not intoxicating, and does not contain THC. It is made from the Cannabis sativa plant, its flowers and upper leaves. Cannabis essential oil benefits include pain relief, sleep aid, relaxant, and skin balancing. As with every essential oil, I believe you have to find the botanical that works for you, your body, your internal chemical composition. With that said there is now a DNA test that will pin point not only the cannabinoids most beneficial for you, but also which terpenes are best for you. Order your cannabis DNA test kit here. By diffusing cannabis essential oil, one almost immediately receives the calming and uplifting benefits. CEO diluted may also be applied topically for localized relief. For ingestion, one would want to work with a Clinical Aromatherapist. We are in the French camp on ingesting EO's, which is to say we find it perfectly safe and take full responsibility for our ingestion. This is a personal choice that we will leave up to you. In a study, Cannabis Essential Oil: A Preliminary Study for the Evaluation of the Brain Effects results suggest the occurrence of the positive relaxation and anxiolytic effects of Cannabis Essential Oil, (CEO). These findings provide evidence that brain wave activity autonomic nervous system response and mood states were affected by CEO.
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October 2022
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